***UPDATE*** APRIL 2017
WORK DAY #2 - We'll be back at it on April 22, 2017 to do some more spring cleaning and to prepare an area for the playground equipment which has been donated by Sharon & Donald Edens.
This round will be much simpler and we'll plan on cutting off tree stumps closer to the ground and planting any ornamental grasses or flowers if anyone would like to bring those to the park. Plan on bringing any of the following items: chainsaw, loppers, shovel, gloves, and any any other gardening tools you have. The park still looks fantastic from the clean-up last October and we have much less work to accomplish this time around! See ya all there!
We are extremely excited to announce to the public that the Fredonia Tourism Committee and an ever-increasing group of volunteers have developed a plan with the City's approval to CLEAN UP AND REVITALIZE THE MILL DAM PARK at Otto's Mill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You may have noticed something about this in last week's edition of the Wilson County Citizen (and my photo post a couple of weeks ago on Facebook), and we feel that we can let all of you in on the details now that we have been able to verify the finer points.
We are in the final stages of planning a work day on Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 (when the weather is cooler and our large town events are over) where we will be volunteering our time and resources to restoring the Mill Dam Park to its former beauty. What does this involve? Simple: we will be removing the two mounds of debris from the 2007 flood, mowing and removing brush from the park area, and repairing the stone grills and wall built by the WPA pre-WWII. This project is centered on the public park and will not include any of the roads or bridges in the area. It is possible that we may be able to register the area with the Kansas Historical Society in the future.
In the weeks we have been organizing with the City and Public Wholesale Water Supply District 23 to ensure that both parties are represented in respect to their assets on the property. Professional contractor Keaton Bracken of Bracken Soil services is volunteering time and resources in this branch of the project and will be working with both entities in order to avoid any possible damage to underground supply lines. We will also be addressing any security and safety concerns.
How are we going to accomplish this? This is all being done by volunteers and our goal is to complete this project without asking for donations or starting a fundraising effort of any kind. PROJECT OTTO is an idea that will be carried out simply by efforts of goodwill, love for our community, and heart - lots of heart.
What do we need? We are hoping to include any volunteers who want help, and for those who want to participate but cannot physically work we can surely use some people who would be able to feed us and keep iced water or tea available throughout the day. Again, we are keeping this simple and from the heart. We believe PROJECT OTTO will be a success simply because of the love we have for Fredonia and our community!
For additional info or to volunteer please feel free to call the Chamber Office at (620) 378-3221. Get those work gloves out and make sure your chainsaw is ready!
Mill Dam Park - Volunteer Days
October 2016
Mill Dam Park - After Our Work Days
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